Nautilus Filming Miniature

Nautilus Filming Miniature

The next Profiles in History Hollywood Auction on 28-29 July 2013 features several Irwin Allen items including the original filming miniature of the Nautilus submarine that appeared in Irwin Allen’s The Return of Captain Nemo. Other items in the auction include an original piece of title concept art from the 1961 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea movie and a metal wrench prop from Voyage and Lost in Space.

Profiles in History Hollywood Auction 56

Beelibones and the Lost Treasure

Bill Hedges has built this marvellous Beelibones replica head (Lost in Space episode Treasure of the Lost Planet) based on a plaster head purchased from a talented artist, Pierre Veilleux. Artist Rita Lane painted the face on the outside of the box. This Beelibones replica prop is featured in the very funny Youtube video shown above. Gallery to follow shortly.

Profiles in History Hollywood Auction 43 Prices Realised

Several Irwin Allen related items went under the hammer at the Profiles in History auction this weekend.  Here’s how much each item sold for (not including buyer’s premium, taxes and fees):

Steve Burton Costume: $6,500

Betty Hamilton Costume: $4,000

John Robinson Season 1 Tunic: $6,000

John Robinson Season 3 Tunic: $11,000

Set of 90 original, autographed Lost in Space Scripts: $30,000

Profiles in History Hollywood Auction 43

Two original Land of the Giants costumes (Steve Burton and Betty Hamilton uniforms), two Lost in Space Tunics (John Robinson Season 1 and Season 3), and a set of 90 autographed original Lost in Space Scripts are being auctioned at the Profiles in History Hollywood Auction 43 on 17-18 December 2010.
For more details, please visit the Profiles in History Web Site.