Hollywood Show 10-11 October 2009

Several Irwin Allen production performers and guest stars are scheduled to appear at the Hollywood Show at the Marriott Burbank Convention Center on 10-11 October 2009 including:

  • Terry Becker
  • Bill Mumy
  • Angela Cartwright (Saturday only)
  • Linden Chiles
  • Paul Comi
  • Leslie Nielson
  • Richard Anderson
  • Bruce Dern
  • Rosemary Forsyth
  • Peter Mark Richman
  • Joseph Ruskin
  • John Saxon
  • William Schallert
  • Warren Stevens

Land of the Giants inspired commercials

We recently mentioned the new Santander commercial featuring Lewis Hamilton on our main site.  Here is a link to the video for anyone who hasn’t seen it:

There is also another commercial that is so clearly inspired by Land of the Giants. The VW Polo commercial shown in the link below pays homage to Paul Zastupnevich’s designs for Deanna’s late Season One costume and Don Marshall’s grey outfit:

FABGEARUSA Breakaway Sale

Fabgearusa.com are holding a sale ending today.  Here is the press release from FabGearUSA:

It’s that time of year again – hard to believe it’s been ten years since the Moon was blasted out of Earth orbit and into outer space. To celebrate the brave souls of Moonbase Alpha, FAB Gear is having our yearly Breakaway Day Sale! FAB Gear is the North American HQ for Irwin Allen and Gerry Anderson Fans!
Take 10% off any new order for in-stock merchandise in celebration! It’s simple – just place a new order for ANY AMOUNT of merchandise that we have in-stock and ready to ship (pretty much everything on the website except for pre-order items) and we’ll give you a 10% discount when you use this code at checkout:
Just enter it when asked for a certificate or code during checkout and your total will drop! This offer is good from now until September 19th (Midnight EST on the 18th, to be precise) and you can use it as many times as you like. Please tell your friends!